Friday, July 29, 2016

Prove Them Wrong

Safe to say, it's been a while since I've written anything. Apologies. Sometimes, unfortunately, life takes an unexpected turn that's out of your control and time seems to pass without realising it. Nevertheless, I really have missed writing, so I thought I'd get back to my blogging with a little inspo from one of my best friends after training together yesterday!

One thing I've always been taught, is you can do anything if you set your mind to it and a saying I will never forget is, "There's no such word as can't."

Obviously, we all know that there is the word 'can't' but it's a metaphorical saying, in that if someone tells you that you can't do something, show them that you can & prove them wrong. 

Recently this mentality has definitely kept me going in everything I do. Besides the gym I do have somewhat of a life & enjoy other things - shopping days out, drinks with my best friends, playing my piano (not many people know that one!) or work. However, this phrase is definitely applied to my training more often than not!

In the last two weeks I've been doing some training with a PT at my gym & it's honestly through his help & inspiration that I've pushed myself so much more - to everything he challenged me with I kept saying "I can't do that, I honestly can't" and each time I did and it felt so good! Key phrase he tells me - "Mind over matter" - couldn't be more accurate. 

Mindset is everything.


I like to set myself regular goals to keep a track & focus on where I want to be, I know a lot of people do the same but it's so easy to get lost in the midst of things.

If you know me, you'll know I'm a list & diary kinda person - don't go anywhere without my diary & have a to-do-list to hand ALWAYS. I'd be lost without it, but it's also my way of getting things done! Writing things down makes it less daunting & then I know I can get it all done in one day!

Apart from little things like that, obviously people have long term goals especially for fitness and with this, I know for a fact, achieving an image you're comfortable with is something a lot of girls especially strive for during summer. The "Bikini Bod". Well, reality check - chuck on a bikini & you've already achieved it.

Now look at yourself & instead of critiquing, think of improving. Bettering yourself is what you should strive for instead of something that you see on social media & never tell yourself you can't do anything. Because you can do anything you set your mind to. I never ever thought I could do one free weight pull up. Now, I do 3 sets of 5 (I know 5's not a 'full set' but it's a damn good way!) 

Considering I shied away from the weights area completely before training back here, at home, this Summer I feel quite smug surrounding by bulking boys at 5ft 3in pulling my body weight. (Gloating a little yes - I'm really proud of this!) 

For me, I absolutely LOVE proving people wrong & more importantly being right! So that's definitely motivation for me in everything I do! 

When it comes to my training, proving right or wrong it's my motivation to better myself & a top tip if you're thinking of bettering yourself, is set yourself what you want to achieve. (Make lists, they're fun!) Then, decide how you're going to achieve that (Make a plan - training, meals, scheduling etc) Then do it, achieve it - tick it off your list! Keep repeating this process & I promise you'll see progress & feel so motivated because you're doing all the things you never thought you could!

Health, fitness & training as become more important to me recently for various reasons, so when one of my best friends Misha asked me to train her at the gym I was definitely up for it as she wanted some serious motivation..

After telling her what we had in store for our session, she looked point blank at me as if to say what on earth.

Without being a patronising friend, she did amazingly well & I'm SO proud of her! Every time she told me she couldn't I shouted at her and she finished off her set, she did everything I gave her & although I've heard from her today that I've "Killed off her arms" she proved herself wrong.

If you're lacking motivation at the gym get a friend to work through sets with you, challenge each other or if you're on your own challenge yourself, tell yourself you can do it and I promise you will.

Mish kept telling fibs that she couldn't do the workout, the reps, the weight but she did everything & sweat it out till her arms nearly fell off. Girls especially you're stronger & better than you think! Don't shy away like I used to at the gym, strut around and show them who's boss!

Whatever it is you want to achieve, why can't you? If someone tells you that you can't do something, prove them wrong. Besides feeling smug, you'll feel a sense of achievement that you did something someone doubted you on & use that to strive forward. 

A lot of people lack motivation to carry on when training, especially if they're not seeing results - so I think this is a great way to prove that you're doing well. Instead of 10 reps, do 12 - you couldn't do that last time so you must be achieving something!

Another quote I've stuck by in the lat four weeks or so, "Don't focus on how far you've got to go, look at how far you've already come." I think it's so important to see what you've achieve & prove to yourself that you're better than what you think. 

x  -  x  -  x

I feel as though I've lost my spark a little recently, especially as I read this post back, but when life knocks you down get back up & prove that you're amazing & can do what they think you can't. 

Lethargic, I know! However, especially when the weather's like this (Gloomy, rainy and miserable in Macclesfield ATM) I feel everyone needs a little inspo & Misha was mine yesterday, that spurred me to start writing again. Ben (PT at the Gym) is my motivation to train & proves me wrong all the time that I can do more. 

The point I'm trying to make is, whether you're proving yourself or someone else wrong - never let someone tell you that you can't do something because you can honestly do anything if you really set your mind to it. 

Thanks for reading X

Follow me on Instagram - @aprilalexandrax and Twitter - @aprilalexandra1

Monday, June 13, 2016

Inspiration & Motivation

It's the start of a new week, and comes with it #MotivationMonday so I thought I'd share with you a little bit of what motivated & inspired me to start focusing on my fitness & health more in life!

Everyone always says "I'll start it on Monday" when going on a new 'diet' or 'clean eating plan' or 'detox'. Well, I like to set goals - or check lists - of what I want to do in the coming week. 

Short term goals are much more fulfilling I feel because you've got a shorter time to achieve something & somehow it motivates me to actually get it done! If you know me, you'll know I have my to-do-list pad & diary to hand everywhere I go!

Over the last year a lot has inspired me when it comes to training - different styles, exercises, environments - and also my eating, what to cook, learning how to make easy, healthy dishes without depriving myself or breaking the bank! 

But I want to first mention my motivation from the start. I couldn't have got to the point I'm at without my amazing PT Tina. 

When I first went to Tina, I was in a bit of a stand still point with my training. Unsure of what to do to achieve what I wanted & to be honest, lost quite a bit of hope in achieving the goal I had.

Tina trained me for a good few months during my time home from Uni & without her, I wouldn't have strengthened, improved, toned, taught or motivated myself to keep going to get to where I am today.

Having that encouragement for just an hour a week helped me not only lose weight, strengthen, tone & improve my fitness across all areas but gave me confidence to try new things - out of my comfort zone - leading me to how I train today, to not be 'afraid' to try something new, but instead trial it for a few sessions, see if that works for me & build on it from there.

Tina put me through the gruelling hell of achy abs, legs, arms - parts of my body I didn't think could ache were aching! But, my thoughts were "No pain, no gain if I want a body like hers!" A PT really is their own product & Tina looks on point!

Personally, I don't think I'd have been able to motivate myself to get to where I am without Tina's encouragement & perseverance with me - yes, she put me through the gruelling hell of achy limbs but I've come out better for it, so thank you Tina💜

Understandably, personal training isn't the route for everyone - whether that's cost wise, time wise or personal confidence. However, there are different ways to motivate yourself - the way I do now.

My top motivation tips:

Set yourself goals: Set short term goals on a weekly basis. For example, running further, lifting more or drinking more water a day. Then set long term goals. What are you aiming for? A certain image, fitting into that outfit for a special occasion. 
Plan ahead: Prep your workout plans, your meals, your week - that'll make all the difference. There's nothing worse than getting to the gym & thinking what to do, go in with a plan - stick to it & you'll feel a sense of achievement.
Inspire yourself: check out what other people are doing, eating & exercising! It's amazing what looking at other people's perspectives can do for your own. Maybe try a new workout or new recipe.
Progress: track yourself! There's nothing worse than being disheartened when trying to achieve something, so monitor yourself. Check out my previous post on the ways I think it's best to track your progress!
Don't give up: always keep going and push yourself. If you've said you're doing 4 sets don't do 3! Do that fourth, if it burns it's working - embrace the pain!

Aside from my amazing personal trainer (who I still text about things I'm unsure of now) and my individual goals, I find a lot of motivation & inspiration from other people's journey's.

Social Media "Icons"

A big part of today's society is social media & that's allowed so many people to build a platform to help others out there & guide them to achieve their goals.

Recently, a young PT from London has been my motivation. Bradley Simmonds is 22 years old & has his own PT company. He was set back through injury when training to become a professional footballer, but turned a setback into a career. 

Taking his knowledge he created training packs for celebrities & normal people like you & I (unless you're a celeb reading this then that's pretty cool!) with that he's helped, in my opinion, so many people to achieve the image they want.

One thing I love about him is he's a realist - he goes on lads holidays, drinks, binge eats, but doesn't break bad habits - getting back on it when he's home & his blog post is already motivating me when I get home from hol! 

Quick workouts or foodies on his Instagram inspire me with my own journey & his personality just helps with wanting to "learn" more from him! If only he was a northerner!

Another "icon" is Alice Liveing. I've mentioned her in a few of my posts but she is an inspiration - her transformation is incredible & for a young girl I really feel motivated to achieve my goals when I see someone similar has been able to.

Recently, she released a book "The Body Bible" with amazing recipes, including indulging treats! Alongside these it includes workouts & what she does herself. 

Aside from her book, her Instagram of her bubbly personality always raring to go motivates me to try new things at the gym & to some extent, as I said with Tina, these people are their product so if they're doing X, Y, Z to look the way they do, of course that's gotta motivate you!

Training wise, I find Instagram a great way to find new workouts because everyone trains differently & it's so good to incorporate new things into your workout to surprise your body!

Food wise, Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) will always be a favourite! His 15 second Instagram vids make me drool on a daily basis & I've made some amazing, easy meals from his Instagram & his book! 

He's also great for HIIT training ideas - so check out his YouTube channel if you're short on time, but still want to achieve that summer bod! 

What you eat is such an important factor when wanting to achieve a goal - especially image wise - so experiment & enjoy some tasty new things.

I know it's soooo easy for me to sit here & write how I think you can motivate yourself, but I promise if you're serious about achieving something, motivation is key to success! 

I've gone through it over the year myself. It's a long process, I'll warn you (for someone as impatient as me that's frustrating) but measuring my progress, seeing my developments from this time last year only motivates me more to achieve what I've set myself for the next couple of weeks.

So, if you feel a little slump today after a heavy weekend (especially if you've been boozing it up at Parklife this weekend!) don't worry! Set a weekly goal & start the week positively! 

Last night I demolished four cakes, cocktails, a family size bag of crisps alongside endless coffees but you've got to enjoy yourself as well! Monday's here however & I'm back to my poached eggs & swim sessions to set me up for the week!

Simple steps make the big difference!

Thanks for reading! X

Follow me on Instagram - @aprilalexandrax & Twitter 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Food glorious food!

I can't believe we're now in June! Where is time going?! This week's been a bit crazy - but I'm happy to say I have officially finished my second year at Uni! Time to enjoy the Summer now & what better way to kick it off than with the lush weather this week?! 

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll have seen I said I was going to do a post about food at some point! So, I thought what better time than whilst the sun's out & everyone's in the mood for some summery recipes & foodie thoughts!

Over the last few months, I've been told so many different things when it comes to training and what you eat. Things like, "It's 80% diet, 20% gym" or "Abs are made in the kitchen". Only in recent months, have I really began to take care of what I eat more & find what actually keeps your body moving & functioning properly, whilst still enjoying what you eat! 

Most people think that training (gym) is the hard part of getting fit, and that summer bod. In reality, the hardest part about it is food! 

Now, if you know me you'll know what an absoluteeeee FOODIE I am! However, over the last few months I've really realised how important what you eat is when you are trying to shed that weight, or build your muscle. 

In my first year of uni, I used to go to the gym & run for half an hour, burn how ever many calories then think it's okay to eat a chocolate bar! Nope! Calories aren't worth counting half the time, it's about the quality of what you're eating & the food groups. All food groups are important. Yes, even carbs! (I know what you're thinking!) It's just a case of figuring out the good from the bad. 

Please don't think I'm going to tell you to NEVER eat chocolate or ice cream again because I would never tell anyone that! It would be quite hypocritical of me! Just all in moderation! 

A quote I saw on Instagram really hit the nail on the head.."Eating bad for one day won't make you fat, just like eating healthy for one day won't make you skinny." I think that's as clear as it comes, don't worry about that chocolate biscuit you're eating whilst you're watching corrie! We're all allowed a treat, even body builders & PT's don't "eat clean" all the time!

SO! I thought I'd share with you a few recipe ideas to keep you feeling full, satisfied & enjoy the healthy options - because healthy doesn't mean boring, or a plate of leaves! Trust me! 

Here's a typical day of the type of things I'll eat!

Breakfast - Rye bread, avocado, asparagus & poached egg.
Lunch- Pir-piri chicken on a bed of spinach, tomatoes & feta.
Dinner - Poached salmon, asparagus, grilled tomatoes, sweet potato topped with feta.


One thing that's important is to actually have breakfast! It fuels you for the day! There's no excuse for no time, you an prep the night before & there's so many things you can overnight prep or make quickly in the morning!

For those of you on the go, or early starting I'd suggest something like overnight oats! They're so simple to make - cup of oats, cup of milk (of your choice) add some flavourings like cinnamon (a favourite of mine) and some berries, leave in the fridge overnight & enjoy in the morning! 

I'm an egg lover, so for me most days I'll have either an omelette or poached/scrambled eggs! I do switch it up with some yummy protein pancakes, or porridge some days depending on how I feel!

Keep things interesting with what you have though, scrambled eggs on toast everyday would be booooooring! So try mixing it with things you wouldn't normally think of! Here's a few breakfast ideas that I have day to day!

Breakfast galore! Try some of these for your morning fix this week!
Make sure you're getting all your nutrients; protein, carbs & good fats! So include things like, ham, smoked salmon, eggs, even mackerel is good for a breakfast dish! Then add some carbs, a slice of rye bread (currently one of my favourites!) or a wholemeal bagel, then of course your greens! Avocado goes with just about anything, as does asparagus or spinach which are all great metabolism boosters for your body & a great source of iron from spinach!
Vanilla Proats with Blueberries

If you're not a massive egg lover don't worry! There's great alternatives, like porridge or proats! Natural yoghurt topped with fruit & peanut butter! Or even things like turkey bacon with tomatoes & rye bread..or my weekend favourite - protein pancakes! 


A key thing that I've learnt is to prep your meals! It's such an easy way of keeping track of what you're eating & also saves you a lot of time! Simple things like cooking a chicken breast with a little seasoning like piri-piri or paprika, pop it in the oven for 15 mins (if diced) add some spinach, or a sweet potato - pack it in a Tupperware box (if you're on the go!) and there you have it! Protein, carbs, and leafy greens - keeping you full till dinner!

Piri-Piri Chicken, Spinach, Tomatoes & Feta

If you're lucky & can have lunch at your leisure, serve it up fresh from the oven! A new favourite of mine are tuna steaks - they're packed with 25 grams of protein, so healthy & cook within 6 minutes! Add a sweet potato or some spinach/salad, plenty of veggies in there & top with some feta cheese - I promise you won't be disappointed!

Even if you're not prepping for work, writing down & prepping what you're going to have for the week is a great way to stick to what you're eating & not go down the route of picking at things & it's also great if you're on a budget - like me! At uni, planning my food ahead of the week helps with what I'm spending & what I'm eating - win, win!

All sound too healthy? Why not get yourself some healthy style sausages? Chicken sausages are soooo nice, and packed with protein, slice in half & grill them, add some lettuce, grilled tomato & a poached egg, whack it on a bagel & there you've got a mean lunch, that's enjoyable & doesn't feel overly healthy! 

Lunch can really be as simple/complex as you like! Depends on your time, what you fancy & where you are! Just ensure you've got plenty of protein, leafy greens & some carbs to keep you going until tea time!


My favourite meal of the day by far! You can be so creative, so easily with your dinners! For tea, generally I like to have fish (like salmon, sea bass or prawns!) or chicken, then on the odd occasion a bit of red meat like a steak, or some lamb! 

Sea bass, potato & courgetti

With anything you eat it's not always about what you're eating but how you're cooking it! For example, I like to bake my meat/fish in the oven, it tastes sooooo much nicer in my opinion! Garnish it with seasoning of your choice, 25 minutes in the over (for chicken) it will be so juicy & yummy & taste so fresh and healthy! 

Salmon fishcakes, avocado & carrot chips

This is such a simple change that will be so effective on your health & your body! So bake, not fry! Although some things are better fried, like oily fish sometimes - you get excess fats sometimes which don't taste great!!

To go with your main part of the dish, incorporate lots of veggies & of course your carbs! Sweet potato is always a winner! You can mash it, bake it, roast it! Or go for brown rice, or some quinoa! 


Of course, I'm not going to say I never snack because that would be a lie! But it's all about choices that you make. I'm guilty 100% of snacking on the wrong things from time to time, but everything in moderation! As long as one biccie doesn't turn into a packet you're okay!

But if you're looking for healthy alternatives, try greek yoghurt topped with berries - packed of protein & keeps you full! Nuts are also a good snack to have - almonds especially, but don't overdo them as they have healthy fats, but just like avocado's too much of them aren't good for you either!

As a post-workout snack, I've began having either a protein smoothie (mixed frozen berries, banana & vanilla whey) or greek yoghurt with vanilla whey, or for an evening snack try some proats! If you get some chocolate/strawberry protein powder than can settle your sweet cravings too! 

I was a bit dubious about trying protein powder because I've never believed in it to be honest, but it's such a quick & easy way of getting extra protein in if you've not reached the amount you want/need for the day. I'm not saying by any means to skip meals & have them as a supplement because I totally disagree with that - just my opinion - because you need real food to have a healthy body and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Eating Out

There's nothing worse than getting into a routine of healthy eating & knowing exactly what you're eating, how you're cooking etc then stressing about it not being as 'good' when you go out. Well, who cares! You're out to enjoy yourself, but it's so easy to still take the healthy options. 

Holiday treat; steak, veggies & potatoes!

Go for something a little less dense on carbs, for example skewers, or a salad, fresh meat with loads of veggies! 

When I was away it's still so simple, dinner was a beautiful fillet steak, with loads of vegetables (I asked for extra too!) then new potatoes, which I only had a few of!

Duck breast, mashed peas & potatoes.

When I go out, I like to 'treat' myself to red meat as I don't have it a lot at home. That way, you're having something different which is great for your body & you're also treating yourself to something a little special! My Mum & I love duck & Oliver's in Bollington (now Tapa) does fab food! 

Prawn skewers, salad, boiled rice & chilli sauce.

Out with friends? No problem! There's always a healthy option, especially if you're off out for a few drinks after & don't want to feel over faced! Revs is one of my favourites for a quick dine before a night out & their King Prawn skewers are to die for! 

Always eggs. 

Breakfast is still as simple when you're out as well, just don't overthink it! A favourite place for me in Notts is Curious Manor for breakfast/brunch & they're options are so nice! Here I had sourdough bread, topped with avocado & two poached eggs! 

Another place I love to treat myself to out and about is Bagel Nash! Don't run from carbs, they're good for you! Have a wholemeal bagel instead of a white one, top it with smoked salmon, avocado (or scrambled eggs if you're breakfast dining) there you have it! Coffee fix & a healthy breakie! For lunch, they've got chicken club salad, tuna..just the choice you make  - but enjoy yourself! 

Puddings are my fave when I'm out & I'm such a foodie when it comes to cheesecake, so treat yourself because depriving yourself will only send you into a spiral of binging! Believe me, I've been there done that! 

Lifestyle & Mindset

Remember, with everything - what you eat, how you train, there's no quick fix! It's a lifestyle change & a lifestyle choice for the long term. 

At first it can seem daunting, but once you've overcome the barrier of what is right & the best things to fuel your body you'll be well on your way to a healthy living, of balanced foods (including chocolate & ice cream!).

Just remember, eating crap for a day won't make you fat - just like eating healthy for a day won't make you fit. Lifestyle, not a quick fix!

I hope this post has enlightened you on some simple things you can do with your cooking & eating to get to where you want to be! 

Thanks for reading! X

Follow me on Instagram - @aprilalexandrax and Twitter - @aprilalexandra1

Saturday, May 28, 2016


This week, I've been trying some new make up, cleansing products and nutrition. A friend from school has taken on a unique business, and asked me to trial some of his products out & let him know what I thought! So, when I arrived back on Saturday I got a little package delivered from Arbonne.

My goodie bag! 

Arbonne is a brand that's been around for about 35 years now, from a Swiss heritage! It focuses on creating a products, from make up & skincare, to sun lotions and nutrition. The USP for this brand is that it's all natural sourced ingredients, suitable for many people with intolerances such as dairy, gluten and wheat, but also is suitable for those who choose to go vegan with their diet - something that's becoming a lot more popular recently. 

There's a lot of bad press about cosmetic companies during their testing process - another amazing thing about Arbonne, aside from it's natural production, is it doesn't test on animals. 

In today's society, this has become a large factor in people's choice of brands, so there's another reason why you should give Arbonne a go!

So last Saturday, I met Chris (He works for Arbonne) who greeted me with a little pamper bag of my products. He gave me a range of make up, cleansers and nutrition to try for the past few days including; primer, foundation, daily cleanser, facial wash, eye soother, protein powder and energy boosters. 

I'll be the first to admit it, and I even said it to Chris when we met up to talk about the products, that I was very sceptical about trialling the products. You hear all the time about these 'clean & pure' new brands that will 'change your life'. So, when presented with my little bag of goodies, I thought "Hmm, how much of this is really going to make a difference?" 

On a day to day basis, I wear make up (No.7 is my preference), use cleansers & facial wash (Simple products - sensitive skin) and have recently began using more protein powders (Currently trying Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Whey mmmmm). 

However, to trial these I had to stop my day to day regimes and use Arbonne products instead. 

I kid you not, I have been IMPRESSED!! They've been absolutely fab! I'm very picky on my make-up, especially because I have sensitive skin, colours so important and value for money! But these products have been amazing & I was actually upset I had to give them back..

So my first day of being an Arbonne user was about to begin!

My Arbonne Diary:

Saturday - I'd already hit the gym, had my shower & was heading into Manchester, so I decided to use the Primer As I was heading out I wanted to wear my own foundation, so swapped my Clinique primer for Arbonne and then layered on my usual make-up. During the course of the night, my make-up did stay on longer but eventually it began to wear a little bit - this usually happens daily for me, as I have quite oily skin. Unfortunately, due to my alcohol consumption that evening I was in no fit state to cleanse my face before bed, so that was a job for Sunday morning!

Sunday - freshly hungover, I used my little tube of daily cleanser which you massage onto your face then rinse off. Oh my, my face felt like a baby's bum! It was lush! (I mean I know a baby's bum isn't lush, but the feel was like silk!) The rest of the day was recovering & just a chill day, so only minimal make up was used! One of my favourite things that I began to use on Sunday as well was the eye roller - it's meant to make your eyes seem brighter & with early work shifts coming up this week, I decided to give that a go as well! This evening I cleaned my face with the sensitive skin cleanser & a cotton bad & off to bed!

Monday - 5am is an early start as I'm back at work & for an 8 hour shift, I wanted to see if this make up could last the test of Tesco time! So both the Primer and Foundation were applied then I head into the time I got home from work my make up was still in tact & I was very impressed. At this point I'd usually have to reapply or touch up certain areas of my face which are more oily, but not today! After work I head to the gym, before coming home for a shower & an early night. The foundation had lasted me through an eight hour shift, lunch and a hour and a half gym session which included my HIIT running! Never have I had such an easy day!

Monday Evening - After my first shift back at work & a gym session, I decided to fully cleanse my face this evening with my Arbonne products & in the morning I woke up feeling refreshed & revitalised!

Tuesday - Another chilled day really, as I took a shopping trip to Cheshire Oaks with my Mum! I did the same routine as Monday & once again, the results were astounding! All day shopping, trying things on, walking round in the sun! Did I mention that the products all contain SPF protection in them, so you're protected all day every day from those awful rays!

Wednesday - Unfortunately this was my last day of using the products! After a pretty slow start to the morning & definitely not being in the mood for the gym I decided to try one of the Nutrition Energy Shots. These are basically formed supplements that act in the same way as a shot of caffeine or a lucozade except they're made from organic products & not full of crappy sugars! Well, i was BUZZING! It was just what I needed to get me through a VERY hard HIIT session & arms! 

Wednesday Evening - My final evening cleansing my face with my products! Everything was used, daily cleanser, daily wash & the eye toucher! 

Thursday - Results Day! So Thursday morning I woke up feeling soft faced, clearer skin than the start of the week & generally felt much fresher all round! My eyes have a much better look to them, which is definitely needed with doing early, long(ish) shifts and I have to say I will definitely be investing in some of these products!

Friday - 5am start for me & I have to say, I was gutted I didn't have my Arbonne products to use today! However, my skin is feeling fresh, cleansed & revitalised after my weeks trial of the products! Keep reading for your chance to have a taste of Arbonne..literally if you like!

Although I've talked a lot about the make up side & cleansing range there's so much more to Arbonne than just those small things! It ranges from Skincare for all types of skin types, all ages and all conditions (soft, dry, sensitive) to nutrition for supplements, a men's health range, well being, make up and so much more! (Even an anti-ageing range for those of you who think you're having a mid-life crisis & need a helping hand!!)

One thing I think would be fab to do, especially for the girls, is a pamper day! You hear about these things all the time when new companies are promoting products - so I suggested to Chris that he set up a "Sunday Spa Day" - you can bring along your friends, family, anyone you like & try out the products for yourself to see just how fab they are! 

You won't be pressured to buy something, it will just be a fun day for you & your friends/fam, treat yourselves & learn a little bit more about Arbonne and what it's all about. 

If you'd be interested in joining him & his team at something like that either get in touch with me on Facebook, Twitter (@aprilalexandra1), Instagram (@aprilalexandrax) or email myself ( or Chris ( for more information! 

For any more information, head over to their website!

Compared to your high street brands like No.7, Maybelline, MaxFactor, Clinique and Benefit, Arbonne is similar in price in some areas, such as the nutrition range, some of their make up products - but don't forget, you're paying a little extra for a long way & a great movement in the production of cosmetics that will one day be the norm, so take a change & check out Arbonne - I promise you won't be disappointed!

Thanks for reading! X

Follow me on Instagram - @aprilalexandrax and Twitter - @aprilalexandra1

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Progress, Summer & FOOD!

I can't believe we're in the last full week of May!! Where has time gone? I'm back home for the summer now, finished uni until October!! I'll then be starting my third and final year of University - that is a scary prospect! However, I'm soooo excited for Summer! Got lots of fun things planned & with my holiday coming up in just two weeks time, heading back to the home comfort of my gym here was a must! 

Don't get me wrong, I love my gym at uni - it's part of The Gym Group and is open 24/7, really good price for your membership & has great facilities etc! However, my gym at home is always quieter at the times I go, which is always nice because it means you have the equipment to experiment with and for me, it means I can go in the 'heavy weights' area without being scared! (Deadly serious..)

As a "training journalist" it sounds silly to say I feel intimidated crossing the barbell boarder at The Gym in Nottingham, but it is intimidating when there's groups of lads buffing up their summer bods, then little old me popping in in the thank you!

Any who, I'm back & raring to go! I hit the gym pretty much every day this week except Tuesday (day off - always needed!) I know sometimes, because I've been there myself, that you can get disheartened when you don't start seeing the results you want straight away, whether that be your image, your weight but I want to encourage you from my own experience the ways you can see you've improved from when you first started!

Everyone's obsessed with social media these days - myself included, I've got instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc etc..and image has become such an obsession, with both boys & girls - lads want a ripped six pack like Zac Efron or Joel Corry, and girls want a Victoria's Secret model's abs, but it's about more than that!

Summer 2015
May 2016

It was around this time last year, that I began focusing more on my body, doing more fitness and trying to lead a more healthy lifestyle..well, 80% of the time! Being fit is about more than just looking good, but feeling good as well!

I'll be the first to admit that, yes, I do look at old photos & compare myself but it's about so much more than that! I didn't get from left to right without transforming my life as well as exercising & I certainly didn't get there measuring everything out to the tee. 

Although I'm still not where I want to be, the progress I've made so far is incredible and I want to remind you that although I think it's a good thing to physically see how you've improved, image is the only way! 

Over the last year I've began to improve because my lifestyle and way of living has. Living a healthy lifestyle has been the transformation, which is something I've realised over the last few months more so as I've began properly putting my heart into training. 

One of the most important things to remember when wanting to improve yourself, is track your progress. Otherwise you can get lost in the scheme of things & sometimes be disheartened if you're not seeing the results you want. 

So many people, myself included at one point, check their progress on the scales. A lot of dieting companies such as Slimming World and WeightWatchers track your progress this way, however from personal experience when 'dieting' (which should become a lifestyle not a restriction) AND training, the scales are probably the worst tracking method you could use - like I said, from personal experience. 

Personally, I now think it's a bad way of tracking yourself because muscle and fat are two completely different substances and you may work hard at the gym & eat well but see no difference in the number - you're wrong! You've probably lost the fat, and gained muscle in it's place - a good thing! Here's a gentle reminder next time you feel disheartened & hopefully will encourage you to measure yourself in a different way..

Therefore, I changed my ways and tracked my progress in other ways because weight isn't what it's all about. More recently, I began changing the way that I ate, you need to transform your lifestyle in order to transform your body - inside and out! 

Mix it up! Scrambled eggs, parma ham & asparagus!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - it kickstarts your body for the rest of the day ahead of you, so if you make sure that you fuel yourself correctly first thing, the rest should come naturally!

I've learnt from PT's I know, online coaches, Instagram accounts & famous faces that it's important to incorporate plenty of protein, good fats& carbs every so often in your diet! 

In the past, I'd have porridge every day! Which does get really boring, so mix up your breaks & you'll see a difference!

Salmon Fishcakes, Smashed Avocado & Carrot Chips

One of my fitness inspirations, as you know, is Alice Liveing. She's just released her new book The Body Bible - which I bought. Her food and fitness is incredible & I think she's amazing. But she is a great example of why you shouldn't base transformation looks on the scales - in my opinion she looks amazing & I'd love to have her body! (body envy coming up!!!) Her new book is full of foodies, exercise & her story of how she got to where she is now, which is one of the reasons I've changed my clean eating using her inspiration!

One of other the ways I track my progress is simply through my training - when you can do more reps at the same weight, you're improving, when you can run that little bit further, you're improving and when you're finding it tough - remember it's a challenge and if you're anything like me, you keep going until you can say you've done it.

A personal example from my training is during my workouts, I've strengthened myself so much over the last year. When I began with my PT a workout to do with a 4kg med ball, I now do with a 7kg med ball. I never thought that I'd be able to do that, because I couldn't even do it with a 4kg this time last year! 

Another thing to manage your progress and achieve your goals is change. Being back at my quieter gym at home has the benefit of utilising and experimenting with different pieces of equipment and I've found so many other things that enhance my workouts and target different areas and I'm really seeing a difference in my training and my strength. 

A favourite of mine at the moment (and i'm not sure why I've not used it before..) is a swiss ball! At the risk of sounding like a saddo, knee tucks are actually really fun once you get the gist of it! 

So, although you want to look good, start measuring your transformation in positive ways of progress - you're stamina, strength, amount of reps, there's so many ways but don't dishearten yourself with weight because it's not a maintainable if you want to look and feel good! X

Follow me on Instagram - @aprilalexandrax and Twitter - @aprilalexandra1 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Mix It Up

To say I've been slacking with writing posts recently is a bit of an understatement. However, being the busy student I am I've had a few deadlines this week! But, I'm back & one thing I've been focusing my workouts & eating on this week is mixing it up & changing things around. 

When I first began training more intensely, than I had done before, I began with three workout plans. I learnt that this was an important thing to swap between when training and wanting to see results. 

Obviously, working out - whatever you do - is going to be beneficial, but from my own experience I've learnt that sticking to the same thing isn't going to achieve your goals long term & you need to mix it up from time to time. Whether that be your workout plan, your target areas or even sessions throughout the week, it's important to surprise your body then it will react in a more positive way!

This week my gym was shut for a couple of days, so factors like that forced me to change my workout plan a little this week as I had to do some stuff at home & with no equipment like I have at the gym, looking for new ways to workout is always fun (sad, I know, but I enjoy looking and learning new things!). 

I find a lot of new methods of training on social media, for example Instagram. There are enough fitness accounts and online things that you can find to enhance your training & expand your knowledge. 

One of the things I have changed in my home workouts is utilising what you've got. So yeah, you may not have a bench to do any tricep dips on but my bed certainly worked out just as well in my uni room! Always utilise your floor & your body itself because there's so much you can do without equipment, from leg raises, to squat jumps - add a few simple exercises together, set your correct reps and sets and you're off! 

When I got back into the gym however, I decided to change up my routine from my usual HIIT treadmill session & ab workout. 

This week I've been focusing on strengthening myself. I've gone back to how I started on the rower - this is the perfect way to warm up (in my opinion) as it's a whole body warm up, targeting each part and muscle that you're probably going to be using through your training session & it's also a good way of getting some HIIT in as well. 

Beginning with a minute at a steady pace then 30 seconds sprints, over three days I've been beating my personal bests which is always a good feeling! 

Another way I've changed things around this week, is my weights. By increasing the weight you're lifting (or whatever exercise you're doing) it will enhance your muscle growth & also the amount of calories you burn - so up the weight & feel the burn! 

My friend told me this weekend that it's not always about having fancy equipment to achieve your goals - you've got to find new ways to use simple equipment in the gym to target the areas you want. 

I've never really been one to venture to the heavy weights section in the gym (it's always full of muscly men & for a small person, I do find this quite intimidating!!!) but my gym's been pretty dead each time I've been so I've had the area to myself, yay! 

Using the benches and weights I've found a new favourite - bent over row. Without realising it you're targeting more than just your arms, but by being in the bent over position it targets your abs as well (definitely felt that one the next day!)

Recently, I've been targeting singular areas when I've been training but this week I've focused on more whole body workouts, such as squat and press - bum, abs and arms - and another one I've enjoyed is single leg deadlifts with a kettle bell. 

Mixing up and utilising your equipment is always a good way to develop your routines. This week I've been using kettle bells in my workouts because they're one of the most diverse things you can use in the gym! 

Try doing some single leg deadlifts (I use an 8kg kettle bell, doing 12 reps for 3 sets) kettle bell swings are always a good overall workout (8kg kettle bell, soft knees, swing the bell to shoulder height then back through your legs, 12 reps, 3 sets.) goblet squats are always a favourite of mine! (booty burners, I use a 12kg kettle bell for these, holding the kettle bell tight in your chest, take a deep squat and back up, 12 reps, sets of 3) another overall one is kettle bell crunches (lying on your back, legs straight reach up to your toes with the kettle bell for 20 reps, for 3 sets).

Another newbie I've tried is 15kg barbell dead-lifts. Bending at your hips and knees, overhead grip on the barbell, slowly drop the bar towards the floor then stand up and push your hips forward, squeezing your gluten & not allowing you back to round. (very bad explanation - you might be best watching this video.) 

These are just a few of the things I've done exercise wise to mix up my routines this week! But next time you're in the gym, have a look at the different equipment that's on offer & try some new things! Don't forget, mixing up your routines will shock your system & that's what will benefit your progress - but changing your routine could even just mean changing your weights, amount of sets/reps or intervals. Each change will benefit your progress!

Remember, exercising is only part of the transformation. Your food consumption holds more succession to your goals. 

Change what you're eating as well as your exercises. Incorporate lots of good fats, protein & leafy greens in all your meals but keep things interesting! Change your breakie from your oats, to some eggs. Add new things to your meals such as avocado or other veggies in your breakfast. Don't be a basic bitch, mix it up & make it interesting! 

It's so easy, so there's no excuse! How long does it take to scramble some eggs, pop them in a pan & add some tomatoes & asparagus on your plate?! 5 minutes! 

Introduce new foods, such as turkey instead of chicken, or some mackerel instead of salmon. Surprise your body & it will begin to react. I've been trying some new things in the kitchen this week as well, but simple changes..instead of my daily boiled eggs & asparagus, I went for an omelette with tomato, ham & feta this morning which was deeeeelish! 

Sourdough with smashed avocado & prawns for lunch today is definitely now a favourite of mine & full of goodness! Don't forget to keep your carbs in there because they're just as important to refuelling your body as protein & greens. Sweet potato goes with pretty much everything & it's so good for you, make sure you eat the skin because that's the best part! 

Another thing I've tried out this week (not something I've always believed in) is protein powder. I've tried a few different brands, but instead of using it in a shake I've made some chocolate 'proats' topped with raspberries and I'm quite surprised how nice they actually were!

Social media hypes at the start of the week are 'Motivation Monday' - so I hope I may have motivated you to try something different this week, swap your run for a row, oats for eggs & serve up some sweet potatoes in your dinners this week! 

Don't forget - it won't happen overnight, persistence is key & motivation is what keeps you going. Set your goals for the week & have a good one! 

Thanks for reading! X

Follow me on instagram - @aprilalexandrax & Twitter - @aprilalexandra1