Week one of University a.k.a. 'Freshers' is now officially over - partially glad, partially upset. I'm emotionally & physically drained, but surprisingly feeling better than ever..however I am currently writing this suffering from 'Freshers Flu' and it's definitely worse than man flu..all males will understand that after this week.
It's been an INSANE week! From beach party to red indians, army nights to UV rave, fancy dress has never been so expensive! But going 'all out' as a flat has been amazing! Even if we were practically the only flat going totally crazy!! You'd think it's embarrassing but after the reps have done their rounds & got you drunk, you honestly do not care.
One of the weirdest things I've found from this past week is that this time two weeks ago I had no idea who the people I am living with were, yet now, it feels like we've known each other a lifetime:
Flat i09
I've never been out and drank so much in the space of seven days as I have this week, and now my sleeping pattern is definitely set to 2am being scheduled as the earliest time I'm getting to sleep time, then forcing myself to wake up at the required time each day..most day half asleep in lectures..yeah, lectures during freshers week stupid I know, as one of my flat mates definitely thought as he slept through every single one of them this week..instantly regretting it today after attending his first lecture! Not because he missed anything, but because he had "So much fun" even though everyone sat one chair away from him all day!
One of the night outs was 'blocks vs blocks' dressing up as your block 'mascot'..ours was red indians..
we still looked so cool though..again, best dressed flat - the reps even said this, by this point they practically lived in our flat, day & night. No complaints though, they're cool.
Most flats fight over the cooker on a nightly basis..so meal time can get a bit crazy, as you can imagine, sharing with 10 people, but as a problem solving flat we created a meal for every day..well tried to, so far we've only got "Taco, tequila Tuesdays" - luckily quite a few of my flat mates can cook, because I definitely can't! We had tacos, enchiladas, fajitas and nachos - most definitely one of the many highlights of freshers week!
Trent Army was another one of the highlights of the week for me, held at 'The Forum' right near our accommodation which is always a bonus because I don't have to walk that far home, and always a bonus for my flat mates as well after I had two of the guys carry me all the way home..a 20 minute walk on another night out!
Trent Army was insane! I've never seen so many people collectively looking so crazy, and shouting our army chant!
We got some weird looks waking through town to the club, but well worth it & definitely one of the best nights out of the week!
It was an insane night, the one night everyone went all out for fancy dress! It's sort of a ritual for my Uni though - Nottingham Trent University - along with a chant, and the 'idiots' and many other names I can't really share on here about our Uni of Nottingham rivals..but let's just say we're the best army in Nottingham.
Trent Army was insane! I've never seen so many people collectively looking so crazy, and shouting our army chant!
We got some weird looks waking through town to the club, but well worth it & definitely one of the best nights out of the week!

The highlight of the day was definitely watching two of my flatmates participate in the 'Fly on the Wall' activity..star-fishing onto a wall & just falling in a heap!
Juliet Will
Sadly though freshers week has come to an end, and this week has reminded us all we are here to get a degree..or at least try to! It's been an incredible week & I'm sure the rest of the year will be just amazing! One picture to sum up our week would most definitely be this..
There is never a boring two hours after going out with Will around, whether it's talking about goose fat, the underground Bakerloo line or just looking at him dressed in a pink tutu & tights with a matching face, this photo definitely sums up this mad week & what i'm sure will be a mad year.
Cheers to i09.
Thanks to our AMAZING reps as well!
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