Hey Blogee's!
Wow, it's been a while. Just read over my last post, which I found ridiculous to read it was from November!! I don't know where the time has gone, that day felt like yesterday! Sadly I haven't been posting much due to the hardcore fact, you have no life with A-Levels. Quite frankly.
But I'm currently seriously procrastinating with revision, so what better way to spend it than writing a much needed post?!
The last few months have been absolutely craaaaazzzyy! It was Christmas, I passed my driving test (first time, wooo!), I travelled to Dubai (absolutely amazing City, if you ever get the chance, go travel there. I promise you won't be disappointed!), I turned 18! Wow, I felt old that day - it was the first birthday I actually felt myself age! Ha! I got my dream (well one of them!) a private license plate! Officially cannot go ANYWHERE without people knowing where I am (my reg is APR7L. Pretty cool I know!) but I don't mind, it's so worth it. I've experienced Macclesfield Town at night (not too bad, if you're local I'd check it out) top tip - don't buy drinks in Revs! So overpriced!! And now I'm currently sitting my final year of A-Levels. So far I've done five, I have three more to go, then I'm off to Costa Del Sol with one of my best girlfriends Kat! Excited? YES!!!
It's a pretty scary feeling when you get to Year 13 - oh yeah, I've left school, it was emotional. I'll go back a couple of weeks, Leavers Ball at The Deanwater Hotel. Obviously it's like an american 'Prom' but honestly, it was such an amazing night. My cousin did my hair & nails then off to my friends for Pre-Drinks (it was her 18th as well! Lucky!) then we all head off to Leavers, singing old school tunes whilst annoying the taxi driver is pretty much our expectation for the night! Honestly? I think we were all pretty blown away at the venue & the whole night to be honest. I would definitely do it all over again. All the teachers were there, the entire year group, it was amazing.
Photos, music, food, drink, teenagers, teachers pretty much sums up the night.
One point sticks in my mind about the night - I was outside waiting for photos, and 'Livin' On A Prayer' came on. I've never seen 17/18 year olds move so quickly or sing so loudly until I saw that moment. Absolutely brilliant.

After the ball, the hangover and the exams the following week it was the leavers assembly. I haven't ever been that emotional, I don't think. It was moving. Despite being 45 minutes late due to our exam being overrun as some dumb ass Year 12 'forgot' he had an exam. Moving on. The assembly was great. Photos from year 7 (embarrassing) images and videos from leavers ball - I don't know which was more embarrassing; nerd photos from when i was 11 or drunk photos at 18. Either way it was great! Our old head of year then spoke, which is where I got the title for this blogpost from.
Mr Dale. Officially the "Hottest Male Teacher" as voted by the wonderful Class of 2014. He began, I quote. "You'll be sat here thinking one of three things; if you've been from year 7 "why are you gatecrashing our assembly" if you've been here since Year 12, "Who are you?" or "That's the guy who won 'Hottest Male Teacher'". A great opening as always from Dale. The one thing he taught us as a head of year, and reminded us of at our assembly is that our journey was like climbing a summit. To get to the end of our journey means we reached the summit - which we did in Year 11. We're now at the end of Year 13 and the final summit is almost accomplished for our school years. Three exams, and 10 days later I will have finished school forever. The final school summit reached.
Dale gave us a very inspirational speech as you can imagine (especially if you know him!) The leavers assembly wouldn't be complete without the amazing performances we watched, the amazing teachers who got us that far, our parents who sent us VERY emotional letters! How quiet they kept that! All the teachers speeches, the ones who weren't there, and even the students that weren't there - we had an amazing video all the way from Australia from our old school pal Nick, it was weird seeing him again but so nice.
Then one person we could never ever forget, Mr Payne (Payno) got very emotional at this point, it was unbelievable to be honest. Before he could let loose the tears, Ben finished his sentence in 3 minutes. With a beautifully dedicated song to the loved, amazing, sadly missed Fergus Moran who sadly died in Year 8. It was definitely the most touching part of the assembly.
Although our Summit has come to an end at School, Sixth Form, the memories like the letters, Nick, Dale, Teachers, friends. Fergus. Will be remembered forever. (Cheesy I know! But very true.)
So that brings me to now. Five exams later, I'm sat here writing when I should be revising, listening to the horrific thunder (I hate thunder, scares me to death) and some songs that will be played as throwback songs in a couple of years time.(I dread to think what future music will become).
Quite a reflection on the past few years of my life has been going round my head for the past few weeks. Advice I'd give to anyone? I hear people say the phrase 'You Only Live Once' - you don't. You only die once. You live your life everyday, so take every chance you get, grab it with both hands, make the most of every opportunity you have, revise, and work hard. You've got your whole life ahead of you, a lifetime to be serious. So go have some god damn fun!
Class of 2014, I love you all X
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