So, I've completed my first week at BBC! Can't quite believe it! Time is going waaaay too fast, hardly had chance to catch my breath this week!
Things started off a bit slow but I've had a fab week working with some great people from social media, to planning & I even met Busted on Wednesday! Claim to fame!
Despite being v busy, I do love it really! I managed to make it to the gym twice this week (v proud of myself) considering I've been up at half 4 two days this week & in bed by 9 most evenings priorities have been mixed up but I was more than thankful when the weekend came around & I got chance to relax with my friends..sort of!
If you're reading this you're probably on your Monday morning coffee break with that strong coffee that's packed with the caffeine you desperately need right now to cope with the awful fact that today day is Monday! (Much to everyone's disappointment!) But, be positive! You're half way through the day & when it's done you're one step closer to it being the weekend again!
Try & fill your time with things to look forward to, that way it makes your day seem to go quicker & make you feel more positive! But don't overfill your diary, overworking yourself will knacker you up, like I found this week! Early starts, interviews, coffee runs, planning stories, exercising, writing articles to finally having a break & cocktails with my bestie Kat on Friday night (although I was home by 10:30pm) then being taken out for dinner Saturday evening, hectic doesn't cut the week I've had!
After losing my way a bit with my gym routine this week it was time for my weekly running session with my cousin on Saturday morn! This week it wasn't raining either! Yaaaay!!
We had a really good run this week (even though Lauren didn't think so) we did! No one stopped, no one was too short breathed & we're scheduled for s longer route next week (leaving that planning to her - she's just had a gorgeous baby girl so it will fill some time for her - she knows I'm joking X) butttttt, a longer route means more Daddy Daughter time for her husband Rob as well, who we left at home with Poppy & her poopy nappy this week whilst we went to get revitalised. Clearly the Perks of parenthood, but don't worry I brought him an egg to enjoy for his breakie whilst we went for our run.(I'll leave you to guess the kind of egg I brought him ha!)
After our run it was time to hit the gym! One thing I hate most about missing gym sessions is how surprisingly tough it is when you go back! If that doesn't motivate you to keep going I don't know what will!
Once you're in a routine keep going & you'll see your results! It's okay to lapse for a few days but each day you lapse your body rests & your muscles will become too relaxed so when you start to work them again you'll find it so much harder & want to give up, but don't! You can do it & you will! When you have you'll feel fab again!
But yes, Saturday was a struggle at the gym & my legs are still feeling the pain this morning! Quick abs blast then it was time for a much needed sauna, steam & jacuzzi session with the mother! The perfect pamper before date night! (Nerves clearly!)
Like the name of today's post, testing times, well last week really was! I had to juggle driving to work at 5am to running guests at work up & down the many floors of BBC to the correct place for their time on air, to then going home to do uni work & interview my lovely friend Vic for my assessment. (She's an awesome girl who is one of the best - as voted and with an award to prove it - in her profession as a sportswoman! Watch this space for an insight on her perhaps!!)
x x x |
After finally finishing all my work for the week, I rushed home & got ready to be wined & dined for the evening - acting like the lady I really am not, i think to say I was tipsy before we made it to the restaurant is an understatement (although the good thing was, it wasn't just me!).
My cute gal x |
Alongside Deansgate Locks for cocktails, where I found the most gorgeous glass (and yes, I really did bring it home.) which now is sitting comfortably in my kitchen on display for all to see. I'm one for making memories & I'm positive that will definitely hold a few from an amazing night out.
Cocktails - Whisky Sours & Good Time Girl |
We went for cocktails on Deansgate Locks after our meal, and they were amazzinggggg!! Defo recommend a night out there if you're looking for somewhere cute, quirky & affordable! Our fave for the night was probably Lola Lo's, right in the middle of the locks, which also does half price cocktails between 5-10pm! DEFINITELY my kinda bar!
Venturing into my local town for a night out isn't something I'm a fan of doing but a few drinks later I'm a different person & we headed out. It always amazes me how many people you see that you know, it's a small town but stopping every other person to say hello makes you feel like some sort of celeb (defo not!!)
To conclude my fab weekend (to say the least) it was time for the early birthday celebrations to begin, as me & the mother ventured to our fave steakhouse, Miller & Carter for dinner with some friends!
This place NEVER fails to disappoint & if you've not tried're MAD! I always go for a good Fillet steak, accompanied with the gorgeous onion loaf (basically a big onion ring in loaf style!) chips, garlic butter & a sauce of your choosing - go for beef dripping EVERY time!
The onion loaf makes this meal! |
I'm overwhelmed at how many people have spoken to me about my blog this week!! I really am! I feel absolutely touched at how many people have said they feel inspired & enjoy reading all about my fitness & how to keep it real! So thank you to everyone for your support!
I was a bit sceptical to 'advertise' writing my blog again as you're always going to be marmite in today's society, but it's so lovely to know that people are enjoying what I'm writing & if there's any readers out there that want me to touch on something specific just get in touch with me!
So, after a whirlwind week it's all about to begin again! I promise I'll try & check in during the week as I've got some new fitness & foodie things to share, so keep your eyes peeled!
Testing times..I'm just thankful to be able to have wind down time like date nights & drinks with the important people in my life to bring everything to a hault!
Don't forget to do that yourself, it's important to take a break - give yourself some you time! You'll feel revitalised afterwards & ready to crack on positively for the rest of the week!
Thanks for reading! X
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