The first thing I do before working out is ensure that I'm hydrated (try drinking at least half a bottle of water about half an hour before working out - you don't want to feel sick or dehydrated because your workout won't be effective!) and also ensure you've eaten some good carbs (my PT always tells me slow release e.g. porridge or some pasta if it's an afternoon workout!)
So once you're fuelled, you're ready to go!
Number one rule before working out - STRETCH! If you don't stretch you could give yourself a serious injury & won't be able to perform to your full ability.
Once you've stretched now it's time to begin..
Personally, I always enjoy starting with a cardio exercise - running is my forte. I've learnt, through different workouts & trainers, that HIIT (high intensity interval training) is the best way to perform a cardio workout. You will burn more calories doing 15 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill than a 40 minute consistent run - this is because you're body doesn't have time to rest in between the intervals and your heart rate is kept up high, meaning you're getting more oxygen around your body & it's working harder..this can happen up to an hour after you stop as well..
My preference to run is 15 minutes - 30 seconds at a steady pace (7.5km/h) then 45 seconds high intensity (I go from 13km/h-16km/h over a 15 minute period)
Each person will be individual based on your own body & your limits etc. So don't just follow that - use it as a basis and work out what's best for you.
A lot of people don't enjoy running, so opt for a similar workout on the rower - a great piece of equipment as it works all the muscles in your body! The cross trainer is also a popular cardio machine to use but I don't find it as easy to perform HIIT on, but it's all down to personal preference.
Full Body - Weights & Resistance
One thing my PT always taught me was to not exclude body areas, for example don't do leg day, or arms etc - work your whole body out whatever exercise you are doing.
For a whole body workout including weights is a good way to ensure you're working all those muscles. Kettle bells are one of the most diverse pieces of equipment you can use! You can do so many things with them, from squats to swings.
In my routine I use them for goblet squats in reps of 15 and for 3 sets.
Goblet squats - a simple squat, but you're holding a kettle bell to your chest as you squat, ensuring you're back is straight, shoulders are back and you're feet are hip width apart so you don't strain yourself.
Lunges - another diverse exercise, you can do them static or walking. Add to your lunges by using a kettle bell (when static) holding it out in front of you as you go forward with each leg. If you're doing walking then have a dumbbell either side of you, again ensuring your back is straight with your shoulders back.
The area most people are concerned about - the six pack, the ab blast, looking 'ripped'. Again, as I was taught by the professional PT Tina that I have, you can't just focus on one area - you'll benefit more from doing a variety of workouts. For example, goblet squats will work your abs as much as they work your legs & arms.
For individual ab workouts try incorporating weights as well as just free exercises - medicine balls are a popular piece of equipment to use. You can perform russian twists, crunches, leg raises which will all work both your lower & upper abs.
My Routine & Top Tips
On a general trip to the gym (unless I'm recovering) I'll do an overall body workout. This includes:
15 minute HIIT treadmill workout at 7.5km/h - 16km/h
15 reps of bicep curls (6kg)
15 reps of goblet squats (12kg)
16 reps of static lunges (6kg weights in each hand)
Repeat this three times - taking a 1 minute break in between sets.
30 reps of Russian twists (6kg)
10 reps of Leg raises - hold the ball behind your head then bring it up to meet your knees crunching up through your upper abs (5kg)
20 reps of V-sit ups
10 reps of sit ups with medicine ball then to russian twist (5kg)
Repeat this three times - taking a 1 minute break in between sets.
My Inspiration
Obviously today, everything is posted all over social media & as you're probably aware there's so many different people out there that promote exercise, healthy living, PT and eating styles.
I stumble across people on Instagram especially from their workouts etc, and one person who I think is a fab one to follow & checkout is @clean_eating_alice on Instagram. She's a young personal trainer, who lost a hell of a lot of weight from doing the work that she promotes on her page, she has a book coming out on 'clean eating' and also posts about what the best things to eat are on her Instagram page.
One of her most recent videos inspired a new workout for me on your whole body, I thought I'd share it with you:
Another person you're bound to know about is Joe Wicks (aka - The Body Coach) I think he's amazing as he encourages people to workout and eat in such a healthy way instead of going on some ridiculous low calorie diet, cutting out carbs or a juice cleanse.
He also posts great videos of not only his HIIT workouts, but also his cooking! I'd also definitely recommend his 'Lean in 15' cookbook! I know he's bring a new one out soon!
As for my personal inspiration it has to go to my amazing Personal Trainer from home, Tina. Without her help and her encouragement I wouldn't have achieved what I have now. Yes, from time to time I do have the bad day of eating & at the moment I'm not feeling as fab as usual after a binging weekend but from when I started with Tina, I've come a long way & I have her to thank for that.
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My Progress June - August - March |
I'm really not one to post photos all over social media as I feel myself it's sometimes intimidating to those who want to work on themselves & it makes people have expectations that aren't always achievebale depending on your lifestyle.
Saying that, I posted the last photo (black & white) on my social media earlier this month, as I was so proud of what I've achieved in the last few months.
In the first image I know I'm not fat at all, but for me it was getting fit & toned. To come to where I am now took hard work & determination & I probably would look even better but bear in mind over these periods of times I've had three holidays, Christmas and birthdays in between - you always need a break! But get back on it & feel great.
I'd love to be able to inspire someone to make that change & prove that you can achieve what you want, because I never thought I'd see abs & toned the way I do now. I feel great & enjoy what I'm doing!
If you have any questions for me, about working out, eating, or my blog drop me a message via my blog or DM on twitter @aprilalexandra1
Thanks for reading! X