Today, marks the first day of Spring for this year! Nothing says hello Spring like the lovely sunshine the majority of the country has seen over the pat week or so! I love it when Spring finally comes around, it's a great time of year! Everyone starts to get a little happier as it's a little closer to Summer, days get longer AND warmer, so we don't all feel as sluggish & during spring is my birthdaaaaay!! What's more exciting?!?!
To kick off my fave season, I treated myself to a mop chop! (must needed - locks were too long!) I used to actually dread having my hair cut as I've alllllwaays wanted long hair, I even cried once when my hairdresser cut too much off! Embarrassing, I know! But this time, I definitely didn't cry & I'm definitely thankful for the inches off my hair.
According to a 'study' Spring naturally make us feel better and look after ourselves more without even trying..everything in this day and age is psychological or based on studies I swear! Even down to your Starbucks order, we apparently become more aware of being healthy & feeling good!
Here's a breakdown of why..
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The Edge, Alderley Edge - Great for a Spring Walk! |
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Tegg's Nose, Macclesfield - Great for Dog Walkers |
I'm not the best at Maths..and I know this post is about Spring but now we're away from Winter hooray!! we're also closer than ever to Summer! The Holy Grail of seasons! Now is the time we psychologically prepare ourselves for the Summer season, getting into shape, going on shopping sprees like there's no tomorrow for that perfect beach babe look and of course booking hols & all types of Summer antics!
As soon as Winter is out of the way, out go the dull, drab jumpers and cover ups in our fave high street store and in comes our sexy, strappy, summery Spring/Summer collections! I think this excites girls more than boys (for obvious reasons) but you can see my point why it makes us feel better! I personally much prefer shopping for a summery skirt - or a new bikini which I admit I did buy last week - over a pair of wooly socks and a jumper!
Another perk of Spring, as we enter the new season loads more foods come 'into season'. I don't really know how this quite works myself, but my Mum always stocks the fridge with 'In season' foods and I tell you, my fridge (at home) looks beaut!! What can make you feel better than having some yummy foods, that make you feel good too!
From the in season fruits that come out to your Spring potatoes (and yes, they DO make all the difference as my first year flat mates will tell you - I obsessed with Elfie potatoes) and without realising it, Spring has made you change your eating habits & got you well on track to your Summer bod!
I mustn't forget the most important part of Spring - your coffee fix! Or not?! With Spring comes a whole host of new/returning drinks options from your fave coffee shops! Starbucks is just one example, to get you in the Spring sensation mood why not try these?!
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Cool Lime Refreser |
Trade in your winter warmer hot choccie for a Spring worthy Frappucino next time you visit Starbucks - it's 200 cals less than your hot chocolate, and much more satisfying & refreshing for this warm weather! If you're more of a tea drinker, go for the iced version! Still getting your caffeine fix, but just in a cooler way! Why not be completely crazy this Spring & try something NEW! Starbucks offer a 'refreshers' range of drinks during the Summer months (Spring counts as summery now!) and they sound deeeeelish! So get your Cool Lime Refresher next time you've got a coffee date! Filled with fruity refreshing goodness to make you feel better this Spring!
Let's not get too concerned about how much good food is out there because I tell you what I CANNOT wait for..EASTER!! This Friday is Good Friday & Lent will finally be over - six weeks I will have survived without chocolate, biscuits or sweets (yes, to all that didn't think I could do it - I have!! Well..nearly, but I will!) then following Good Friday, is of course Easter Sunday where we all pig out to the MAX with Easter Eggs and chocolate and just indulge like never before..I for one am SO excited and feel no shame!
Before Easter Sunday though, it's time for me to head home for three weeks for my Easter holidays, wooooo! Easter's usually the time most go away for a few days, so if you're off anywhere nice let me know!! I'm heading to Amsterdam for a few nights with the rents & my best friend Grace, before heading back to the dingly del for the owd 80's night!
Then, it'll soon be my birthday - which is obviously mega exciting for me - but probs doesn't have much meaning to you! But don't worry, it does now!!! Because, after my birthday we're in May, so we're pretty much in Summer, which means it's the party season of the year & everything is just a million times better then!
But for now, let's enjoy the Spring! The warmer weather, light nights, longer days, little lambs & of course mounds of Easter Eggs!!
Look out for some more Spring posts coming from me this week! Top 10 tips to spring you into shape this season, and style me up with some Spring ideas to inspire your wardrobe!
Thanks for reading! X X
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